These R poems Now
Here's to you, MLK!

Thursday, April 24, 2003  

"Ishmael thought for a moment, then took a branch from the pile at his right, held it up for me to see, then let it fall to the floor. "That's the effect Newton was trying to explain." He waved a hand toward the world outside. "That's the effect I'm trying to explain. Looking out there, you see a world full of species that, environmental conditions permitting, are going to go on living indefinitely."
"Yes, that's what I assume. But why does it need explaining?"
Ishmael selected another branch from his pile, held it up, and let it fall to the floor. "Why does that need explaining?"

posted by Xgoose | 10:24 AM


Google searches today:

SARS 471,000 hits
"mad cow disease" 170,000
dubya 178,000
AIDS 11 million hits
Iraq+war 3.9 million
"Britney Spears" 2 million hits!
"Saddam Hussein" 1.2 million
"george w. bush" 2 million
"Iraq" 12 million
Iran 5 million
Zimbabwe 4 million
Mexico 25.3 million
America 44.5 million
Canada 52 million!
China 28.6 million
9/11 5.27 million
terrorism: 4.9 million
"axis of evil" 188,000
"global warming" 1 million
america + imperialism 225 thousand
america + communism 330 thousand
religion 17 million
science 55 million
cancer 15.7 million
astrology 3.2 million
astronomy 4.3 million
"civil rights" 2.5 million
Genetics 3.5 million
chocolate 6.5 million
sex 127 million
"internet" 148 million
coffee 12.6 million
futbol 7 million
libertarian + socialist + anti-authoritarian +anarchy + nocturnal 19
turtle+babushka+cabbage 91
cows + milner + swimming + marshall 79

posted by Xgoose | 9:30 AM
